Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The Birds, the Bees, and the Papa Goddess

So with all the Prop 8 stuff going on right now, (I know its like beating a dead horse) one of the main topics is, that people are afraid that they will be teaching our kids about it in school.

I keep telling the people that use that argument that it's not true and against the law. They cant even teach my kids about puberty without my permission, so why would they say that they will be teaching kids about gay marriages...its so fucking stupid.

So yesterday, I get home from school and on Joe's desk, there is a yellow note from the school with my son's name on it. I pick it up and it is says that they will be starting sex education for 5th and 6th graders soon and they need my permission for my son to participate in this class. I personally don't have a problem with the school teaching my kids about this stuff. Most of what they will be learning is something that they have already heard from me. This class just gets a little bit more technical. And of course it says nothing on the paper of talks of marriage, gay or otherwise.

Well for those of you that don't know my son, he is 11yrs old and a great kid. But he was born with a delay. About 2 years. I had to put him in speech therapy and he is in the special ed class at his school. He is caught up with his math and science skills, but he is way behind in his reading. I just had a conference with his teacher on Monday and he said that his reading is the only thing holding him back, but that he is getting better. But, because of my son's delay, there are a lot of "talks" that I haven't had with him. Mostly because I wasn't sure if he would understand but the majority is because he is my baby and I am not ready for him to grow up.

So what do I do? Not sign the paper and keep him innocent or sign the paper and he grows up? I dont like it either way. So I call him into my room and I asked him if he knew what that paper was for and he said yes. But I never had that talk with him about sex, so I didnt know what he knew. So I ask him, "baby, do you know what sex is?" and he says "yes" so then I ask, "ok what is it?" and he says "its when 2 people are naked in bed together." "yes but do you know what they are doing" and he says "no"......AH FUCK I GOTTA HAVE THE SEX TALK!!!!

So now my dilemma is, with or without (of the female body parts) But my wonderful husband Joe, had a brilliant idea. He pulled out the blade and the chalice and he explained to him that the blade represented a man and a chalice for a woman (in case you didn't know) and then explained what goes on during that time. we explained the sperm and the egg and how sex makes babies and all that fun stuff. And what does my son do....he starts laughing. it was great. So now when he takes this class, he's not going to be the only one in class who doesn't know what sex is. But now he gets all the Family Guy jokes.

Once he left the room, I looked over at Joe and said "These talks are getting easier, but this one was hard." cuz like I said before, he is my baby and I hate seeing him so big. He still likes to cuddle with me when we're watching tv, and he always gives me kisses and he isnt afraid to do it in front of his friends.

I know that I did the right thing and I dont regret giving Tavo the "talk" and I am so greatful to Joe for having such an amazing way to explain something that can be so hard to understand for young kids. Damn fuckin kids need to stop growing up so damn fuckin fast.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Is it hot in here, or is it just me?

So this Prop 8 thing has been a big topic lately and I for one have been one of them people that wont shut up about it. I believe in equality and civil rights. I mean this is America right?

Well, I have mentioned in my other posts how I am different then my other family members. Trying to figure out who I am and why I am so different. And this last election has really helped me to see my families true colors.

After they announced that prop 8 didnt win, I was pissed. I mean pissed, I was in tears. And I am not even gay, but I am an American I am believe in equality. My daughter and I even participated in a NO on 8 rally in our city. We were even on the news. So I post on my Myspace that I was so upset that they passed prop 2 that stopped the abuse of chickens, but they didnt pass the prop that allowed gay marriage. That I couldnt believe that people cared more about animals than they did people. That it shows were peoples fuckin priorities were and that to all the people that voted Yes including my family, THAT THEY COULD KISS MY ASS.

So it wasnt too long before I got a message from my brother saying that he voted yes, but that that message is for everyone else and not for him, right? Nope, I told him how disappointed I was that he and my mom voted yes. That he lives in a time and a place where there still shouldnt be any of this bullshit. I mean fuck, we just elected a Black President, we cant get any better than that. But nope, he threw the Bible at me.....but he So he tired to say that its our right as a domocracy to vote our options (which is true) but as Christians they use the Bible to guide their decisions. Which I dont have a problem with but, not if it is going to effect the rights of other people. If the bible teaches you not to lie, cheat, and steal....then dont do it. But if the Bible tells you that what those "people" are doing is a sin, it is not up to you to decide how they should live their life just because you dont like it. As the conversation got alittle deeper, he admitted that he didnt go to church anymore because of the passing of judgment that Christians tend to do. At that point is when I told him that I study Earth Based Religions. Now I know that that doesnt seem like much, but for me it is. (Joe about fell out his seat when I told him) But as soon as I told my bother that we were more alike than I tought, he totally switched back to "Jesus is the son of God and the Bible is the word" I told him what he was feeling was called Christian guilt. We are still good, there is still no hard feelings between my brother and I, but my other family members....well that is a different story.

In that same bulletin, another cousin of mine sends me a personal message that says, "well Jesus rules today, now, and forever" and I replied with "Well that is a matter of opinion" Oh baby thems is fightin words.

Well I didn't actually here back from her, but yesterday I got a text message from my aunt who goes to church with that same cousin. And this church that they attend, believes that Vampires and werewolves exist and they don't let their kids watch the Disney Channel because of the wizard show on there. yeah, they preach the "word of god" all the time, its great. Ok so I get this text from my aunt and its a joke about Obama...."CNN just reported that Obama refuses to sleep at night. And when they asked Obama why, he replied Because the last guy who had a dream got shot!" So I'm sitting there reading this, thinking, that was an awfully bad joke, tasteless. But I didn't care that it was a bad racial joke, I mean who hasn't ever told a bad racial joke at some point in there life, but my problem was, they are always preaching christian values. "Live like Jesus. Don't do that, its a sin. Don't vote for Obama, he supports Gay marriage and abortion." So how is it that they can preach all this shit, then turn around and say a racial joke? So I reply with "Good 'ol christian values showing its face again." Then she replies with "Myra sent it to me and you can never have too many good black jokes." So that is when things got personal. For those of you that don't know me, my daughter is half black. So I took that as a stab at my kid. So now its on. I start looking for this post on myspace that I read on Christianity, so I sent it to her. But I replied with "oh well since you like bad jokes, here is one for you.....Christianity....A belief that a cosmic jewish zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you symboliclly eat his flesh and telepathically tell him that you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree....yeah that makes perfect sense." Then I also said, "isnt that the funniest thing you ever read....lmao?" She was quiet for about 5 mins and then replied, "Ok I never thought of it like that before" Yeah, I haven't heard from her since.

I have posted a couple of different bulletins on myspace about equality and civil rights. My brother has even told me to shut up. But I told him to suck on my ass (that's our thing, we say it to eachother all the time) that I was never gonna shut up. I told to just face it, you have a hippie future lawyer sister that is going to continue to fight for equality. Even if you wanna marry that goat, I will make sure that there are plenty of shoes for her to chew on at your wedding, that is how much I love you. (inside joke)